"Stop being so awesome! You make me look average!"
....... You are average
I think ALL the time.
Age 33, Male
Animator, I guess!
Joined on 4/18/03
"Stop being so awesome! You make me look average!"
....... You are average
nameless needs moar nekid hampstors...
You are an inspiration. =)
So I was thinking we could meet up for coffee one time.
your name nearly has the word "gay" in it, so never.
Awesome usernames call for the muffin song.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/109299">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/109299</a>
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e for effort
I'm scared already. Can't wait.
Hey, being lazy and a muffin is like being a cat in a bbq sauce factory, it always hurts when you poo.
Also you do Know Stamper is locked in a closet.
Also can't wait for it!
Your shoesize is...?
depends whos asking
that guys knows a lot of puns
i bet your [something] i forgot what i was gunna say, so later!
(in order to ake or create a "Nameless" collection, make sure you create some cool series and make fans produce their own works. then it will be big enough to make up as a collection)
WHAT DID YOU MEAN WITH "E FOR EFFORT?" WorstSpammersEffort!??!?!?! WUT? ):O
I love all your stuff, can't wait for the new Nameless thing :3
Btw are you really from Israel? :P
I used to know this gay guy named Israel.
Yayz nameless! Lazymuffin is tez pwnage for realz. Btw, I <3 dream.
Woohoo! :D
I think...I think...I think....That its going to be awesome will there be a lot of dancing in this episode?
yeeee woooooooooooo im going to eat a bar of chocolate now!!!!! wooooo!!!!! go geting fat!!! ye!
omg i just red the reply you gave to thethingy and u said most of the eps suck <=( thes no point in liveing and did u say the is more spisodes TO GOOGLE!!!!!! allso i was going to say some thing els but i forgot <=( its just not a good day for me my rat died to and the worst thing was I DIDNT OWN A RAT!11 but i think these new eps may help all so yeeeeee!!! new eps oh wait i have all ready said that i should stop typeing.....