I'm not as good in flash as I thought.
I mean, I can animate fairly well, but I'm horrible at working WITH it.
Up until a few weeks ago I had no idea the use of Graphics make .FLAs smaller. (Thanks Luis)
So for the past couple of days I have been re-framing EVERYTHING. Going through about 6 minutes of animation just copying everything, making everything graphics and just aligning crap. It's working thought, FLA's become magically smaller.
SO YES, Nameless 6 Volume. 3 is currently 6 minutes long and using simple yet not very accurate math that's 57% of the script. GOODIES.
As we all know at heart, I'm not gonna be able to .SWF it all in one part, so I'm gonna release it in two parts like last time, the question is:
Should I submit what I've got and start working on the other half, or finish it all then submit em close together. Let me know what you guys think.
AND, thanks everyone who voted for RWD: 021 MEET'N'FUCK for the Best of September and taking down that horrible Egoraptor guy. Squirrels? REALLY? FOAMY MUCH?
i love ya